
Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Life

I wish I could say in my blogging absence I've been relaxing with a nice cool drink of lemonade.
But I haven't.
You see in the past couple of weeks we've

❀ hosted 2 birthday parties for 2 of our children.
1 Elementary age. (Indiana Jones Party + 10 boys = good times)
1 Teenage. (cookout on our family property, games, golfing, campfire + 5 girls = good times)

❀I've also been doing double duty with my church assignments.
1 Young Women
1 Cub Scouts

❀We even helped our oldest paint and redecorate her room.

❀And I'm working on Halloween costumes 1 down 3 more to go.....Luckily my son who had the Indiana Jones party wants to dress as Indiana Jones for Halloween so that's all taken care of....

❀My husband's also started back to school.

Oh yeah.....

❀ (most importantly to the kids) We adopted a dog. (She's an outside dog and already trained so not too much stress there!)

❀And I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to keep up with Etsy Shop orders......

So there you have life in 7 bullet Flower Points.

But never fear there is a lemonade with a comfy place to relax and put my feet up just around the corner (in 30+ years or so) I can just feel it.

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