Monday, August 1, 2011

A travelling we've been...

All spring and the first half of the summer we joked that somehow our desert home - (Utah) was transported to the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) because it's been so rainy and cloudy.
Just when it starts to warm-up and dry-up in these parts what do we do?
We pack-up and head-up to-------Seattle!
Are we crazy? ----Possibly
Was it rainy? ----- Not really!
Was it beautiful and perfect? ----Absolutely!
My brother-in-law said we weren't supposed to tell anyone how beautiful it was because then everyone would want to live there. I agree it was beautiful but I'm still not sure I could deal with 10 months of rain and clouds for a few weeks in the summer of perfect.
But this past week was absolutely, without a doubt, perfect.
Good friends, good family, good visiting, good sight-seeing, good food, perfect, perfect, perfect.
More pictures later.
I never filled in the details on our Monument Valley/Mesa Verde trip.....I guess I'm a little behind.
More soon.....

1 comment:

Sarah B. said...

I love Seattle! But I haven't had to endure the 10 months of yucky weather - I only visit when it's nice ;)