Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hair-Clips, Etsy & Creativity

The little hair clips are coming together. I can't believe how quickly they work up.
This is yet again a project 2 years in the making. Seriously!
I wanted to make them for youngest's friends when she was 3 but life....mostly sewing for my shop got in the way, but now I'm taking a break from Etsy I feel much more accomplished and satisfied in my family life. I feel like I can do the extra things for my family again.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Etsy and I loved my shop and I'm grateful for my short run of success on Etsy and it came when we needed it most. However, I discovered that success there was very demanding.

  • Many days my sewing machine started running at 4 am and continued until 6:45am 
  • I made breakfast and lunches, got everyone off to school and work, 
  • I sewed from 9 until 11:30 
  • I made lunch for little one, we played, I cleaned up, packaged and mailed & relisted etsy items
  • 3pm the kids started coming home,
  • 4pm I ran packages to the post office 
  • came home and started dinner,
  • helped with homework, 
  • ate dinner with the family, 
  • started sewing again, 
  • 8pm put kids in bed and then 
  • sewed again until 12 or 1am. 
  • tried to get some sleep and start all over again the next day.
Some days I didn't get up quite so early or stay up quite so late but it was taking it's toll on me.
It's really sad when something you love becomes something you dread.
So I stopped.
I'm not sure when or if I'll re-open my Etsy shop.
For now I don't have any plans I'm just enjoying my family and enjoying creating on my schedule.
It's a very good feeling.
And I'm finally getting to these projects for my family that have been in the works for 2 years. Luckily in this case it's not too late.

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