Monday, January 16, 2012

Zoo Day! Hooray!

Last week we discovered that a sunny winter day was the absolute best time to go to the zoo.
The place was utterly deserted and the animals were more active than I've ever seen them.
We even had the run of the stinky fascinating reptile house.....mmMMmm good times!

Between our 3 cameras that day we took 100 or so photos.
My kids are animal enthusiasts.....and turning out to be amazing photographers.

 We decided that it might be fun to try hanging upside down and sticking our heads in a bucket to eat sometime....
..and lemurs remind me of old bald men with bushy white beards --- and freaky eyes.

We discovered Dr. Emmet Brown (Back to the Future) 
has been reincarnated as a Cotton-Top Tamarin.

 There were birds roaming the zoo.
One of my kids said, "Wow, that looks just like a chicken! What is it?'
Me, "A chicken."
Darn city kids.....don't tell their dad who is not a city kid and used to raise chickens that his son didn't recognize a rooster.

Believe it or not, this is what my boys' hair looks like every morning and about 30 seconds after it gets combed every morning.
I took this pic because I felt like he could feel my pain.

Golden Tamarin......easily my favorite....I don't know why.....just think they're pretty and fascinating.

What I felt like doing when we got home.....I was a grouchy sloth.
We can't wait to go back.

Our summer outings to the zoo will never be quite the same after our solitary experience this winter.

P.S. Just to tell you how not crowded the zoo was, I talked my teenagers into doing a kick line with me by the ostriches.
I don't know why, maybe because ostriches walk funny, maybe because I'm funny but they did it.
They're awesome!

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